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London, United Kingdom
Graphics Design Student UWE Bristol

Monday 2 April 2012

Tattoo Research

Watching numerous tattoo documentaries has showed me slight reasons behind how they have transfered from being a lifestyle which was kept between a minority of people that took it as a lifestyle to becoming a fashion statement and appealing to a wider range of audience and also becoming accepted much more widely. - Tattoo documentary

Tattoo a Scarred History - Tattoo Documentary - History into tattooing

Reasons for tattoo's?

Tattooing cant be defined by a certain reason it can only be done if someone wants something personally and this means that someone getting a tattoo because they want it. Through gang culture, they put a distinctive meaning behind something but others could put other reasons behind similar art! for example a bird in gang culture means being free but a normal person could get a bird but it resemble a family member!

Online into history research
Through researching online about the history over tattoo'ing and discovering it was invented over 5000 years ago (beginning about 10200 cal), the discovery of 'otzi the iceman'. I have used a site made for him since his body was frozen and remained in good enough condition for his tattoo's to be visible, reportedly these tattoo's were for means of pain relief, I will have to look more into these to discover whether he was the first person to get a tattoo & involved in the invention of the creation of tattoo'ing. - this is the website that holds information about his remains in the museum.

Research to be carried out : Otzi the iceman (his impact on tattoo'ing) This research is being carried out to show a brief history into the beginning of tattooing, so that I understand where its come from and what culture so I have a greater understanding to explain how its got to where it is today.

Gang Culture
My thoughts on tattooing being widely spread through majority of the modern day culture is that its came from gangs and been transfered through 'gangster rap' and music artists (How will I show this?)

When did mexicans gang start in the USA? Year?

What did they begin to get tattoos for and why?

What were there themes?

Immigration from mexico?

markings became ways to show that you were proud of your gang through graffiti and tattooing!

graffiti'ing in gang culture?

other info

The specific start date of tattooing could not be defined through my research, although I discovered that tattooing began in the beginning of the 4th millennium.

Through research of tattooing I learnt that the history of tattooing dates back to

Brief history of tattooing

‘the word tattoo is said to has two major derivations- fromthe polynesian word ‘ta’ which means striking something  and the tahitian word ‘tatau’ which means ‘to mark something’.

According research carried out they have found that tattooing was discovered accidently