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London, United Kingdom
Graphics Design Student UWE Bristol

Monday 21 November 2011

Video Analysis

Big Sean Feat. Chris Brown - My Last 

  • Type at the beginning shows the time when he began to make music and before he 'made' it into the industry
  • Style shows innovation 
  • Rolex Ring & Rolex Watch - Success
  • Seat is showed like a ad guys seat in a film where he is watching over the city
  • On a balcony looking over the city, shows he has worked to get higher then everyone else
  • dress code changed through success
  • 'Big Sean' pointing to the sky, shows him pointing to god - showing thanks for his success
  • Confidence & Power to be able to talk to any girl he wants after 'seeing' who he wants 
  • Showing he only wants to sleep with the girl after he see's her as not being pretty like he wants and he doesn't seem bothered by shrugging his shoulders
  • Looking at the females ass instead of her face, shows he only wants to sleep with her
  • Camera angle of chris brown is below him to make him conquer and seem bigger 

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