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London, United Kingdom
Graphics Design Student UWE Bristol

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Lecture Notes

Egyptian designs were the beginning of design

Hands from work and paint splashed around it to show that the print of the hand was known as individualism.

looking at the old egyptian designs you can notice a lot of similarity between then and now in the way design is done even in fashion!

even the old egyptian designs can be understood by us now which shows human understanding is continuous throughout image.

kitch - 1900's, Art Critics - Tasteless & meaningless

Website (the history of visual communication)

Alexander Rodshanko - Graphic Designer

Ligitskzy - Graphic Designer

"Design can change peoples view on things through manipulating the meanings"
e.g. a typography design can make the words "f*@k off" look visually interesting

Futurists - representing culture

meanings can be constructed through nonsense

The job title of a 'Graphic Designer" has only be known for 80 years

What is the social role of graphic design?

Visual Style
Visual Exciting "NEW" - Avoiding the norm

Graphic design is mainly to 'appeal' and 'sell' to people..

Information Design - Simplicity

Simplicity can also be appealing and can also avoid the norm???

these 2 images show 2 different ways of advertising
NHS poster to the left is a typical "Information design"
FPA poster shows eye catching design which is more to look good than give a message.

Graphic Design - Human Communication
Graphic design can create meanings..

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