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London, United Kingdom
Graphics Design Student UWE Bristol

Wednesday 26 October 2011

2012 Olympics Logo

This is the London 2012 olympics logo.

The criticism towards this logo
  • Badly Designed
  • Unattractive
  • No relation to sport
  • "looks like a child's entry"
  • Olympic rings are seen to be out of place
  • a big problem to a lot of people is the audience that it will attract?

Personal Views

I personally don't find the logo attractive and wouldn't of gone for a logo like this for anything because I don't like the typography, the argument people have with this logo is that it appeals to young people through the colours that it has used which I disagree with because I think the olympics has always been a colourful event since the olympic rings have always had colour in the them and been very vibrant.

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