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London, United Kingdom
Graphics Design Student UWE Bristol

Thursday 13 October 2011

Creative Histories and Industries Lecture

Lecture Notes


  • A way to express yourself
  • Physical media
  • express personality (people usually pass judgement before conversation)
  • Inspiring and understanding why people wear things
  • Individualism

  • A way of communicating with people visually
  • 2D / 3D
  • Type
  • Digital

  • Capturing a moment in a time that conveys images that people interpret in their own way
  • Can create visual appeal

Group Discussion
Persoanl Belief - Refusing to do certain work

  • Dependant on what reputation you'd like yo uphold?
  • Design brand can exploit cheap labour in other countries by certain ad's
  • promoting use of animal products??
  • dependant on what business you would like to bring in, by working for a company with a bad reputation it could make many prospective clients not want to work with you
  • Airbrushing - can be seen as a problem when make up is being sold because its not really what the product produces
  • Permission and laws all vary
  • Promotion of things bad for your health
  • Airbrushing
  • Certain designs may use Fur
  • Leather?
  • You are legally allowed to photograph anyone - but certain types of exploiting can cause law suits 
  • paparazzi exploiting people is it right?
  • Nude images

Photography - What is it?

  • Definitions 
  • History
  • Contemporary 
  • Ethics
  • Truth

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