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London, United Kingdom
Graphics Design Student UWE Bristol

Monday 2 April 2012

Tattoo Research

Watching numerous tattoo documentaries has showed me slight reasons behind how they have transfered from being a lifestyle which was kept between a minority of people that took it as a lifestyle to becoming a fashion statement and appealing to a wider range of audience and also becoming accepted much more widely. - Tattoo documentary

Tattoo a Scarred History - Tattoo Documentary - History into tattooing

Reasons for tattoo's?

Tattooing cant be defined by a certain reason it can only be done if someone wants something personally and this means that someone getting a tattoo because they want it. Through gang culture, they put a distinctive meaning behind something but others could put other reasons behind similar art! for example a bird in gang culture means being free but a normal person could get a bird but it resemble a family member!

Online into history research
Through researching online about the history over tattoo'ing and discovering it was invented over 5000 years ago (beginning about 10200 cal), the discovery of 'otzi the iceman'. I have used a site made for him since his body was frozen and remained in good enough condition for his tattoo's to be visible, reportedly these tattoo's were for means of pain relief, I will have to look more into these to discover whether he was the first person to get a tattoo & involved in the invention of the creation of tattoo'ing. - this is the website that holds information about his remains in the museum.

Research to be carried out : Otzi the iceman (his impact on tattoo'ing) This research is being carried out to show a brief history into the beginning of tattooing, so that I understand where its come from and what culture so I have a greater understanding to explain how its got to where it is today.

Gang Culture
My thoughts on tattooing being widely spread through majority of the modern day culture is that its came from gangs and been transfered through 'gangster rap' and music artists (How will I show this?)

When did mexicans gang start in the USA? Year?

What did they begin to get tattoos for and why?

What were there themes?

Immigration from mexico?

markings became ways to show that you were proud of your gang through graffiti and tattooing!

graffiti'ing in gang culture?

other info

The specific start date of tattooing could not be defined through my research, although I discovered that tattooing began in the beginning of the 4th millennium.

Through research of tattooing I learnt that the history of tattooing dates back to

Brief history of tattooing

‘the word tattoo is said to has two major derivations- fromthe polynesian word ‘ta’ which means striking something  and the tahitian word ‘tatau’ which means ‘to mark something’.

According research carried out they have found that tattooing was discovered accidently

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Shephard Fairey (Obey Clothing)

These are a few examples of 'Shepherd Faireys' work that I personally like quite a lot of his work.

He is also the creator of Obey Clothing which makes me like his work much more since one of my main reason's I got in to design is because of fashion, as I feel it's massively connected.

Research in to Barbra Kruger

Barbra Kruger who was born in 1945 in New Jersey, America

Below there are a couple of examples of Barbra Krugers Work who I looked up after our lecture.

I appreciate her work because I feel she uses a small amount of words to give you a message of what photographs meaning could be but keeps it simple so that you can decide yourself what you feel the message is as it could have a couple...

Monday 21 November 2011

Video Analysis

Big Sean Feat. Chris Brown - My Last 

  • Type at the beginning shows the time when he began to make music and before he 'made' it into the industry
  • Style shows innovation 
  • Rolex Ring & Rolex Watch - Success
  • Seat is showed like a ad guys seat in a film where he is watching over the city
  • On a balcony looking over the city, shows he has worked to get higher then everyone else
  • dress code changed through success
  • 'Big Sean' pointing to the sky, shows him pointing to god - showing thanks for his success
  • Confidence & Power to be able to talk to any girl he wants after 'seeing' who he wants 
  • Showing he only wants to sleep with the girl after he see's her as not being pretty like he wants and he doesn't seem bothered by shrugging his shoulders
  • Looking at the females ass instead of her face, shows he only wants to sleep with her
  • Camera angle of chris brown is below him to make him conquer and seem bigger 

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Lecture Notes

Egyptian designs were the beginning of design

Hands from work and paint splashed around it to show that the print of the hand was known as individualism.

looking at the old egyptian designs you can notice a lot of similarity between then and now in the way design is done even in fashion!

even the old egyptian designs can be understood by us now which shows human understanding is continuous throughout image.

kitch - 1900's, Art Critics - Tasteless & meaningless

Website (the history of visual communication)

Alexander Rodshanko - Graphic Designer

Ligitskzy - Graphic Designer

"Design can change peoples view on things through manipulating the meanings"
e.g. a typography design can make the words "f*@k off" look visually interesting

Futurists - representing culture

meanings can be constructed through nonsense

The job title of a 'Graphic Designer" has only be known for 80 years

What is the social role of graphic design?

Visual Style
Visual Exciting "NEW" - Avoiding the norm

Graphic design is mainly to 'appeal' and 'sell' to people..

Information Design - Simplicity

Simplicity can also be appealing and can also avoid the norm???

these 2 images show 2 different ways of advertising
NHS poster to the left is a typical "Information design"
FPA poster shows eye catching design which is more to look good than give a message.

Graphic Design - Human Communication
Graphic design can create meanings..

2012 Olympics Logo

This is the London 2012 olympics logo.

The criticism towards this logo
  • Badly Designed
  • Unattractive
  • No relation to sport
  • "looks like a child's entry"
  • Olympic rings are seen to be out of place
  • a big problem to a lot of people is the audience that it will attract?

Personal Views

I personally don't find the logo attractive and wouldn't of gone for a logo like this for anything because I don't like the typography, the argument people have with this logo is that it appeals to young people through the colours that it has used which I disagree with because I think the olympics has always been a colourful event since the olympic rings have always had colour in the them and been very vibrant.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Creative Histories and Industries Lecture

Lecture Notes


  • A way to express yourself
  • Physical media
  • express personality (people usually pass judgement before conversation)
  • Inspiring and understanding why people wear things
  • Individualism

  • A way of communicating with people visually
  • 2D / 3D
  • Type
  • Digital

  • Capturing a moment in a time that conveys images that people interpret in their own way
  • Can create visual appeal

Group Discussion
Persoanl Belief - Refusing to do certain work

  • Dependant on what reputation you'd like yo uphold?
  • Design brand can exploit cheap labour in other countries by certain ad's
  • promoting use of animal products??
  • dependant on what business you would like to bring in, by working for a company with a bad reputation it could make many prospective clients not want to work with you
  • Airbrushing - can be seen as a problem when make up is being sold because its not really what the product produces
  • Permission and laws all vary
  • Promotion of things bad for your health
  • Airbrushing
  • Certain designs may use Fur
  • Leather?
  • You are legally allowed to photograph anyone - but certain types of exploiting can cause law suits 
  • paparazzi exploiting people is it right?
  • Nude images

Photography - What is it?

  • Definitions 
  • History
  • Contemporary 
  • Ethics
  • Truth